Rollerball pens are steadily becoming more popular as they offer writers with the qualities of both fountain pens and ballpoint pens. To many, this is the best of both worlds as you get a smooth writing experience with great convenience and ease.
While they are great pens, rollerballs are not exempt from having issues when writing. Pens that stop working can truly be annoying, especially if you’re right in the middle of writing. Fortunately, these problems can easily be solved with a little bit of know-how and caring for your rollerball.
If your rollerball pen has stopped working, then here are some ways to get it writing again.
How to fix skipping
One of the issues you may encounter when writing with a rollerball pen is skipping. This means the pen is not deploying ink onto the paper consistently, leading to gaps in your writing.
Sometimes, the problem may not be the pen itself but how you are holding it. The angle and pressure with which you write can greatly affect a pen’s ability to write smoothly and normally. Try altering the pressure you use to write with. You can also reposition the pen in your hand and how it is angled above the paper. It may take a few tries, but this is one of the most common reasons for skipping rollerballs.
However, in other cases, the problem lies with the pen. Skipping may indicate that the ink in your pen is not wet enough. To fix this, take a small syringe, remove the ink in your pen’s refill, and mix it with a small amount of water. If you can get a surfactant made specifically for pen ink, this may be better. Doing this will loosen the ink up to make it more fluid, which means less dragging on the page and fewer to no skips.
How to fix a dry rollerball
In some cases, rollerball pens may completely dry out.
Inspect your pen first by checking its ink cartridge. Your pen may have dried out simply because it is out of ink. If your pen’s cartridge is still full, then try replacing it first to see if the pen needs a fresh batch of ink. When doing this, be sure to use the proper refills, especially if the pen’s brand requires them. For instance, it’s best to use a LAMY cartridge if you are using a LAMY rollerball pen.
If the pen still won’t write, then it’s time to look at other solutions.
Try running the nib of your rollerball pen under a stream of warm water. This will help loosen up any dried ink that is stuck. It also helps to shake the pen up and down as the movement can dislodge any clogs that are preventing the pen from writing as usual.
You can also try writing on a grippy surface, like the bottom of a clean shoe. This friction will get the pen’s rollerball mechanism moving again, which frees it up to write properly.
One trick that works well for ballpoint pens can also be used for rollerball pens. However, it can cause some damage, so proceed with caution. Using a lighter, bring the nib of your pen close to the flame. The heat will melt any dried up ink and can help your pen write again.
Making your rollerball pen work again is not as difficult as you may think. It just takes a bit of time, patience, and a few helpful tips.
We hope these tidbits of information were able to help you. Happy writing!
By Some Folks at EndlessPens
1 comment
Ray Neff
I have a cross rollerball Gell ink pen and it stopped writing. I though it was just out of ink so I replaced it with a new gel ink refill and I could not get that one to write I had a two pack so I tried the other refill and had the same problem. None of them would write even though two of them were brand new so I threw them away. What is the problem with theses pen refills