If you’re like most stationery enthusiasts, then you have probably heard a thing or two about washi tape. Washi tape is an extremely versatile tool to have in your collection. You may have several rolls just sitting around in one of your drawers, waiting to be used up. Here, we’ll talk about all the different things you can do with washi tape and how you can make the most of this simple but all-around stationery item.
Decorate your journal
One of the first things that may come to mind when using washi tape is journaling. Not only are these colorful tapes great for decorating an otherwise plain journal, but they can be quite functional too. Use them for mood trackers, events, and labels. You can use your favorite fountain pen (like the Platinum Preppy) to decorate your journals along with your preferred washi tape designs.
Gift wrapping
You can certainly save on gift wrapping paper if you have a few rolls of washi tape lying around. Wrap your gifts using spare brown paper bags and decorate however you like with washi tape. You can also take the plain packaging that your gift item comes in and place washi tape directly on that. It’ll make it look like you put more work into decorating and wrapping these gifts than you actually did. It’s also a great way to personalize your gift wrapping.
Watercolor painting is a relaxing and therapeutic hobby, and we all want to make sure our artwork comes out neatly. Washi tape is an excellent way to get clean edges on your paintings without damaging or tearing the paper underneath. You can even keep the washi tape on your paintings as beautiful decorated frames or borders!
Wall art
Not everybody is allowed to paint their walls or drill holes for hanging art and other decor. This is where washi tape comes in. You can create cool geometric designs with washi tape in solid colors. Another idea is to create a mural type design with different patterns. And since washi tape isn’t permanent, you can always change your wall art depending on your preferences, whether it’s more colorful washi tape or more minimalist designs.
Framing photos and posters
Can’t find picture frames in the right size? Perhaps you aren’t allowed to drill holes into your apartment walls. You can hang your photos or posters using washi tape instead. You can tape your photo or poster onto the wall and then use the washi tape of your choice to create a frame or border around it. They’re easy to put up and won’t leave any marks on your walls if you decide to take them down.
Greeting cards
Personalized greeting cards are still wonderful to get, and the recipient will definitely appreciate the effort you put into decorating the card. You can use bright, bold washi tape styles to really make the greeting card stand out or more minimalist designs for something sleeker. It all depends on what you think the recipient will appreciate.
Storage labels
Plain-colored, matte washi tape is an excellent tool for creating labels around your house, especially for storage drawers and containers. Since washi tape is easy to remove, you can also remove and reuse them as you reorganize your home. This makes things much easier to find and storage much more manageable.
There are a number of other things that you can do with washi tape; the possibilities are endless! Whether you decide to use washi tape for decorating or more practical purposes, it will always be a dependable stationery staple.
By Some Folks at EndlessPens